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Participation of “Marden Property” in the annual summit “5 S” in the city of Osaka


Interviews of Sayat Temirbekov, engineer for electricity of managing company “Marden Property”.

The Japanese management system is recognized as the most efficient in the world, so more than four years ago, the director of the managing company “Marden Property” Zhuldyz Kakenov decided to work on the Japanese philosophy of lean manufacturing “Kaizen”. In November, our engineer for electricity Sayat Temirbekov visited Japan to attend the annual Summit “5S”, where Japanese companies share their experiences and successes in the field of application of the “Kaizen”. To learn more about the trip, I decided to talk to a colleague Sayat.

– Tell us about plants, factories and companies you visited, which have implemented “Kaizen” for many years in Japan.

– I memorized the plant “Yamada Manufacturing”, which was founded in 1954 and began to implement the “Kaizen” Photo Japan 475 since 1999. The enterprise has excellent “5 S”, the performance standards hung around the plant. “5 S” is a system of organization and rationalization of the workplace, one of the tools of lean manufacturing “Kaizen”. Yamada Manufacturing, as well as our managing company “Marden Property” has a bonus system that motivates employees to work on the result. I liked the plant “Yamaoka Seisakusho” where Committee for “5 S” had been established, the committee headed by the leaders of the company: Director and Production Director. All furniture and equipment in the factory are equipped with wheels; this gives them the opportunity to continuously improve workspace. I could not pass a construction company “Maeda-Gummi”. Weekday of the company’s employees starts with the cleaning of offices and territories, after they do morning exercises and begin their work. I liked Photo Japan 451 where they actively engage in energy-saving technology, recruit new employees from universities. Each company has its own standards, its own way of working, but they all share a commitment to the Japanese philosophy of lean manufacturing “Kaizen”.

– Sayat, we know that you have come back with new ideas and suggestions. Tell us what improvements in the work waiting for us.

– The first thing we do is to reduce loss of service department, in the performance of business requests of tenants of business centre “Business Home “Alma-Ata”. To do this, it needs to map the employees, optimize the reception and transmission of requests. Secondly, we will conduct preventive maintenance of all equipment of our buildings. Thirdly, we will introduce a quality control within our organization, together with the manager on operational processes and quality control; we will develop an action plan for TQC. Photo Japan 441 The main tasks of TQC include the predicted address of potential inconsistencies in the products at the stage of design development, quality control of delivered products, components and materials, as well as production management, the development of service maintenance and supervision of compliance to meet the required quality requirements. Finally, we will develop “Kaizen thinking” of the employees of our managing company “Marden Property”, for this purpose we will hold more workshops on “Kaizen” training.

The managing company “Marden Property” was convinced on a personal experience that the Japanese philosophy of Lean Production “Kaizen” is very effective both in reducing costs and in obtaining additional profits. Therefore, we got the staff loyalty to the company and commitment to their work.

Interview conducted by Assel Kairbekova.

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